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Diploma's Recognition

por danielrocha publicado 29/12/2015 12h57, última modificação 13/08/2020 11h53







On April 12, 2017, the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) joined the Carolina Bori Platform “which is a computerized system created by the Ministry of Education (SESu and CAPES), for the management and control of Revalidation and Recognition processes of foreign diplomas in the Brazil". We communicate that the service capacity at the institution for the recognition of diplomas (master's and / or doctorate) will be informed by the UFPB Graduate Programs and updated on the Carolina Bori Platform. Applicants who are unable to access the vacancies will form a queue on the Platform itself and their requests for recognition will be considered after the completion of the applications under analysis. 


Frequently asked questions: recognition of graduate degrees


1.    What is recognition of a graduate degree?

Recognition comprises the administrative act by which UFPB declares the equivalence between a foreign diploma and a diploma issued by it, which must be registered and apostille in its own book and will have national validity as proof of the training received by its holder.

With this act, a Brazilian university considers that the thesis or dissertation defended in obtaining a stricto sensu postgraduate degree (master's or doctoral degree) conferred by studies carried out abroad meets the quality requirements required for its graduates and, therefore, , must be recognized as valid in Brazil.


2.     What are the rules that regulate the recognition in Brazil of master's and doctorate degrees obtained abroad?

At the national level, recognition is regulated by Law No. 9394/96, Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (LDB) , of December 20, 1996, published in the DOU of December 23, 1996 ( http: // www. planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/L9394.htm ), by Resolution CNE / CES nº 3, of June 22, 201 6 ( http://portal.mec.gov.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view = download & alias = 44661-rces003-16-pdf & category_slug = June-2016-pdf & Itemid = 30192 ), and by Normative Ordinance No. 22, of December 13, 2016 ( http://www.in.gov.br/materia/-/ asset_publisher / Kujrw0TZC2Mb / content / id / 22190733 / do1-2016-12-14-ordinance-normative-n-22-of-13-December-2016-22190702). Within UFPB, the recognition of postgraduate diplomas is regulated by Consepe Resolution No. 20/2017 , of August 28, 2017 (see Resolution through the website: https://sigrh.ufpb.br/sigrh/public/ collegiate / filter_busca.jsf ) .


3.     What is the main condition for a postgraduate diploma issued by a foreign institution to be recognized in Brazil?

The essential condition is that the foreign program that granted the title to be submitted to the recognition process is proven to be recognized by the accreditation institutions in the country of origin of the title and to issue diplomas that are valid throughout the country where the issuing institution is headquartered.


4.     Is a postgraduate diploma resulting from the completion of a course offered in Brazil by a foreign institution in partnership with a Brazilian institution recognized by MEC?

No. Only the masters and doctorates offered in Brazil recommended by the Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and approved by the National Education Council (CNE) are recognized by the MEC Recognition is given by an act of the Minister of Education published in the Official Gazette of the Union. The recognized stricto sensu graduate courses are on the Plataforma Sucupira da Capes (( https://sucupira.capes.gov.br/sucupira/public/ queries / collection / program / listProgram.jsf ).

Stricto sensu postgraduate courses (masters / doctorates) offered in Brazil by foreign institutions, directly or through an agreement with national institutions, cannot operate in Brazil without the authorization and recognition of the course by the competent Brazilian public bodies.


5.     Postgraduate diplomas resulting from the completion of courses offered in Brazil by a foreign institution in partnership with a Brazilian institution may go through the recognition process in Brazilian universities under the terms of §3 of art. 48 of the LDB?

No. Only the processes of recognition of postgraduate diplomas issued by foreign universities will be considered at UFPB when it comes to courses actually taken abroad and whose documentation contains unequivocal proof that it is not a postgraduate course offered by a foreign institution headquartered in Brazil, directly or through any form of association with Brazilian institutions.


6.     And in the case of diplomas resulting from doctorates studied in cotutela?

Thesis guideline is understood as the modality of development of activities, within the scope of the stricto sensu graduate program, which allows the doctoral student to carry out his thesis under the responsibility of two supervisors, one linked to one of the UFPB doctoral programs and the other to a foreign HEI, where there are doctoral programs, with or without teaching part, recognized as similar by the two institutions (Paragraph 1 of Article 20 of Consepe Resolution No. 37/2014). PhDs at UFPB are already recognized by the government or recommended by Capes. Therefore, the diplomas issued by UFPB have national recognition. The diplomas resulting from a doctorate in cotutela issued by foreign institutions will have their recognition through a simplified procedure, under the terms of item III of atr. 36 of MEC Normative Ordinance No. 22/2016.


7.     Do the diplomas resulting from the Interinstitutional Master (Minter) and Interinstitutional Doctorate (Dinter) need to go through the recognition process?

The Minter and Dinter modalities are regulated by Portaria Capes nº 45, of March 11, 2016, which establishes that Minter and Dinter “are master's and doctoral classes conducted by a (national) promoting institution on the premises of a research institution. receiving teaching and research , located in regions, in the Brazilian territory or abroad ” . Offering a Dinter or Minter Project requires priorapproval by Capes of the corresponding proposal. Minter and Dinter projects must meet the requirements and criteria established in specific notices of Capes' Evaluation Board, observing the calendar set annually. At Minter and Dinter, it is up to the institution whose teaching staff conducted the course ( national promoting institution ) to issue and register diplomas, for the purposes of national validity of studies carried out by students. Therefore, according to the Brazilian educational norms, in the international Minter and Dinter, Brazilian HEIs can participate only as promoters . In order to offer this extra class, Brazilian HEIs must have a master's or doctoral degree duly recognized.


8.     Where can I find the list of Minters and Dinters taught by Brazilian institutions in partnership with foreign institutions?

Minters and Dinters data can be obtained from the Sucupira Platform ( https://sucupira.capes.gov.br/sucupira/public/consultas/coleta/minterDinter/listaMinterDinter.jsf ).


9.     Having met the criteria already mentioned, can UFPB recognize any postgraduate diploma?

No. Only those corresponding to courses or programs duly accredited by the National Council of Education and taught by UFPB in an area of ​​related knowledge, of an equal or higher level, may be submitted to the process of recognition of graduate degrees issued by foreign institutions of higher education. higher than the foreign title and offered in the same modality (in person or at a distance). Only recognized postgraduate programs that have already graduated students at the same level or at a higher level than the diploma to be recognized may be pronounced in recognition processes.


10. Are specialization course certificates recognized by UFPB?

Law 9.394, of December 20, 1996 (Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education), did not regulate the recognition of a lato sensu postgraduate certificate , nor is there any regulation prepared by the National Education Council (CNE) to respect to the theme.


11. How do I apply for recognition of my postgraduate diploma obtained abroad?

The first step is to access the Carolina Bori Platform ( http:// pl Plataformacarolinabori.mec.gov.br/usuario/acesso ), request access, fill in the identification information for the foreign course, select the institution (UFPB), the level (master's degree) or doctorate) and the intended graduate program; taking care that the postgraduate program uses the same methodology (in person or at a distance) as the course completed abroad; send, through the Platform, all required documentation; wait for the COAPG / PRPG pronouncement on the documentation presented.


12. What documentation is required to request recognition of the diploma by UFPB?

According to Consepe Resolution No. 20/2017, the following documents are required to request recognition of the foreign diploma:

  • Application to the Rector requesting recognition
  • Copy of a qualified identity document
  • Certified copy of the diploma or equivalent document to be recognized
  • Certified copy of document proving the recognition of the program by the accreditation bodies or institutions in the country of origin
  • Certified copy of the school transcript, describing the subjects or activities taken, with the respective periods and total workload, indicating the frequency and the result of the evaluations in each subject
  • Digital copy of the thesis, dissertation or equivalent work
  • Minutes or official document of the home institution, containing the date of the defense, the names of the board members and the advisor (s), the title of the work, its approval and assigned concepts, duly authenticated by the competent consular authority
  • Official document of the institution containing information about the curricular organization, the profile of the faculty, the forms of progression, conclusion and performance evaluation of the applicant
  • Copies of the summarized resumes of the members of the examining board and of the advisor (s), with indication of the site containing the complete resumes
  • Brief description of the research activities carried out and the archive or electronic address of the scientific works resulting from the dissertation or thesis published and / or presented in academic-scientific congresses or meetings, indicating the authorship (s), the name of the journal and the date of publication
  • Results of the external evaluation of the institution's post-graduate course or program, if any and has been carried out by public institutions or duly accredited in the country of origin, and other existing information about the reputation of the program indicated in documents, reports or reports
  • Copy of passport or equivalent document, so that the displacement for the course abroad is proven
  • Proof of stay in the city where the foreign institution that issued the diploma is located
  • Term of acceptance of conditions and commitments, including declaration of authenticity of the documents presented
  • Document in which the applicant declares that he / she is not in the process of recognizing the same diploma pending simultaneously at another Brazilian university


In addition to the documents listed above, during the course of the process, other documents may be requested, at the discretion of PRPG, the graduate program or Consepe.


13. Should the documents be translated?

Yes, all documentation must be translated into Portuguese, with the exception of those issued in English, French and Spanish.


14. Should all documents be authenticated by the competent consular authority?

No. The diploma, school transcript and official minutes or document of the home institution, containing the date of the defense, the names of the board members and the advisor (s), the title of the work, its approval and assigned concepts, should be handled in the event that their origin is from a signatory country to the Hague Convention (CNJ Resolution No. 228, 2016, of the National Council of Justice) or authenticated by a competent consular authority, in the case of a non-signatory country .


15. Which countries are signatories to the Apostille Convention?

The complete and updated list of the signatory countries of the Hague Apostille Convention can be found on the website of the National Council of Justice ( http://www.cnj.jus.br/poder-juditárioio/relacoes-internacionais/convencao-da-apostila Hague / signatory countries ).



16. What are the deadlines for completing the recognition request process?

The process of recognition of diplomas issued by foreign institutions will be completed within a maximum period of up to one hundred and eighty days, subject to normal processing and ninety days for the simplified procedure, counting from the date of issue of the process number through the Carolina Bori Platform.


17. What is simplified processing and what is its maximum term?

The simplified procedure is one in which the recognition processes are submitted only to the verification of the supporting documentation of the diploma in the course, without the need for an in-depth analysis or specific evaluation process by the graduate programs, which must be completed within ninety days, counting from from the date of issue of the case number on the Carolina Bori Platform.


18. What are the cases in which the simplified procedure model is applied?

The simplified processing of requests for recognition of diplomas applies to diplomas from foreign courses or programs, courses or programs indicated in the specific list produced by MEC and made available through the Carolina Bori Portal ( http:// pl Plataformacarolinabori.mec.gov.br / public-consultation / process / consult-for-foreign-ies), which have already been submitted to three analyzes by different recognizing institutions and that the recognition has been fully granted, without carrying out complementary activities; diplomas obtained in foreign courses or programs listed on the Carolina Bori Platform, which received students with scholarships granted by a Brazilian government agency; to diplomas obtained abroad in a program for which there is a dual degree agreement with a SNPG stricto sensu postgraduate program (master's and / or doctorate), assessed and recommended by Capes.


19. What are the deadlines in each instance within the scope of UFPB?

According to Consepe Resolution No. 20/2017 , the maximum terms are as follows:




1. PRPG performs preliminary analysis of the documentation sent by the applicant through the Carolina Bori Platform

30 days

2. Substantive analysis of documentation by PRPG, to identify the need to submit additional documentation

30 days

3. Delivery, by the applicant, of the additional documentation requested by diligence through the Carolina Bori Platform

60 days, counted from the acknowledgment of the request

4. Suspension of the process requested by the applicant if it is impossible to comply with the deadline

90 days

5. Pronouncement of the coordination of the postgraduate program, through a Certificate attached to the process on whether or not the work fits the program's knowledge area, justifying the decision

10 days

6. Analysis of the examining committee or committee, constituted by ordinance issued by the Coordination of the graduate program and approval by the PPG collegiate

90 days

7. Appreciation by Consepe

50 days

8. Apostille of the recognition of the diploma and issuance of the addendum

30 days after submission of original documents

9. Completion of the diploma recognition process obtained abroad at the Carolina Bori Platform


180 (one hundred and eighty) or 90 (ninety) days from the date of issue of the process number on the Carolina Bori Platform (discounted school break legally justified or by any obstetric condition)


The terms of items 2, 5, 6 and 7 add up to a maximum term of one hundred and eighty days from the date of issue of the case number on the Carolina Bori Platform. The terms of items 1, 3, 4 and 8 are not counted in the maximum term.


20. What are the competencies of each UFPB instance in the process of recognizing a postgraduate diploma?

According to Consepe Resolution No. 20/2017 , it is open to the Dean of Graduate Studies (PRPG), through the General Coordination for the Operationalization of Graduate Activities (COAPG), the analysis of the documentation submitted in accordance with the standards in force regarding the recognition of graduate degrees and the performance of the necessary procedures for the recognition of the recognition in the original of the diploma; it is up to the graduate program selected by the applicant to analyze the academic merit of the diploma to be recognized; the Superior Council for Education, Research and Extension (Consepe) is responsible for the final decision.