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DRI will hold the DRI Aula Magna - Perspectives for post-pandemic Latin America: the return to the never normal

publicado: 07/08/2020 13h42, última modificação: 07/08/2020 13h42

The Department of International Relations (DRI) with the support of the Graduate Programs in Public Management and International Cooperation (PGPCI) and Political Science and International Relations (PPGCPRI) of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) will hold the DRI Magna Class " Perspectives for post-pandemic Latin America: the return to never normal "on August 10 at 5 pm


Professor Fernanda Cimini Salles (CEDEPLAR / UFMG), PhD in Human Sciences (Sociology) from UFRJ, with a sandwich doctorate in Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was invited for this live broadcast Master in International Relations from PUC-MG and Bachelor in International Relations from the same institution (PUC-MG). Bachelor of Social Sciences UFMG. 


Between 2008 and 2015, she was a government public manager in the Government of the State of Minas Gerais, having held the positions of Advisor for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies, Advisor for International Relations, Investment Finance Superintendent and Exportaminas Foreign Trade Coordinator







Magna Class

"Prospects for post-pandemic Latin America: the return to the never normal"

Tool used: Youtube

Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqXPm_Rifz7x3UyksuUn7wA


 Emerson Barbosa - ASCOM / PRPG

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