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PRPG publishes Ordinance No. 64/2020 - Extension of Master and Doctorate scholarships

publicado: 03/09/2020 11h20, última modificação: 03/09/2020 11h20

The Dean of Graduate Studies (PRPG) of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), within the scope of its attributions, makes public the  Ordinance  No. 64/2020 - PRPG - GAB / SEC  which provides for the extension of master's and doctorate for up to 6 months, in cases where the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the development of academic activities (teaching and research) of current masters and doctoral fellows.





PRPG Ordinance No. 64, OF SEPTEMBER 01, 2020


Provides for the internal regulation of the provisions of Portaria Capes nº 121, of August 19, 2020, which amends Portaria Capes nº 55, of April 29, 2020, expanding the exceptional possibility of extending masters and doctoral scholarships by up to 6 months, in cases where the COVID 19 pandemic has affected the development of academic activities (teaching and research) of current scholarship holders, within the scope of the stricto sensu graduate program at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB).

The Dean of Graduate Studies of the Federal University of Paraíba, in the use of its legal and statutory attributions conferred by the UFPB Statute and General Regiment, as well as by the UFPB Rectory Regiment, Res. Nº 257/1979 / Consuni, and 


  1. the provisions of MEC Ordinances No. 343, of 03/17/2020; 345 of 03/19/2020; and nº 395, of 04/15/2020;

  2. the provisions of Portaria Capes nº 36, of March 19, 2020;

  3. the provisions of art. 4 of Ordinance 321/2020 / REITORIA / UFPB and / or subsequent related regulations;

  4. the provisions of Portaria Capes nº 121, of August 19, 2020, which amends Portaria Capes nº 55, of April 29, 2020;

  5. the provisions of Ordinance No. 54/2020 of the Pro-Rectory of Graduate Studies at UFPB;


  1. the need to internally discipline the occurrence of extensions to the duration of DS (Social Demand) scholarships, as recommended by the Capes Programs and Scholarships Directorate, knowing that “the scholarships whose terms are extended will remain occupied as long as the extension lasts, they cannot be assigned to other students until their completion ”;


1st. The Graduate Programs (PPGs) of UFPB are responsible for the individual verification of each request for scholarship extension based on Portaria Capes nº 121, of August 19, 2020, through analysis and approval within the scope of the Scholarship Committee and the PPG, according to the following criteria:

  1. The student's request will be forwarded by the PPG secretariat, through an open process in the SIPAC system, and must be accompanied by:

  1. School Records;

  2. justification that details (and proves) the impossibility of continuing the research of dissertation and thesis, due to impediments generated by the pandemic;

  3. specific schedule for altering your dissertation or thesis plan, with a new schedule , all duly attested by the OPINION of the teacher (a) advisor;

  1. The process will be forwarded for analysis by the Scholarship Committee, which will issue an OPINION regarding the requested extension, under the terms of this Ordinance, and in turn will forward it to the PPG Collegiate Body;

  2. Within the scope of the collegiate body, the elements listed below must be weighed, and both the scholarship commission and the collegiate body may grant extension time different from that requested or not even grant:

  1. the real need to extend the scholarship under analysis caused by the pandemic and not for any other reason;

  2. the need to review the requested extension time, in the case under analysis; 

  3. the problems caused by the lack of a scholarship on selection processes and future enrollments, through an Impact Study carried out by PPG with rules and staggered forecast, which takes into account the stability of the PPG;

  4. the Return Plan for Laboratories or PPG's laboratory activities, when applicable, following recommendations adopted by the Institution's Biosafety Commission.

Art. 2 Only the current scholarships will be subject to an extension and only at the end, that is, applications submitted in the month immediately before the end of their term.

Art. 3 There may be an extension of the term for completion of the course WITHOUT equivalent extension of the scholarship, by resolution of the collegiate of the PPG, deserving close attention those already benefited by the scholarship extension allowed by Portaria Capes 55/2020.

Art. 4 Capes fell under the loan modality will be given priority in the extension.

Art. 5 The PRPG scholarship sector will only process and implement the request for extension that is preceded by the procedure (and documentation) contained in this Ordinance.

Article 7. Requests for extension, duly instructed by the PPGs under the terms of this regulation, must reach the PRPG scholarship sector, for implementation in the CAPES system, by the 10th of each month.

Single paragraph. Exceptionally, orders sent in September 2020 may arrive until September 14, 2020.

Art. 8 - Renewals for extension will follow the rules of this regulation.

Art. 9 This Ordinance comes into force on the date of its publication, until further deliberation.


João Pessoa, September 1, 2020

Profa. Dr. Maria Luiza Alencar Mayer Feitosa

Dean of Graduate Studies at UFPB





PRPG Ordinance No. 64, OF SEPTEMBER 01, 2020


Emerson Barbosa -  ASCOM / PRPG