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UFPB makes public PUBLICATION No. 05/2020 / PRPG / UFPB - Instrumental Aid for the acquisition of equipment

Registration will be open from 09/05/2020 to 09/13/2020.
publicado: 03/09/2020 11h20, última modificação: 03/09/2020 11h20

The Dean of Graduate Studies (PRPG) of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), in the use of its attributions, makes public the EDITORIAL Nº 05/2020 / PRPG / UFPB - Simplified Emergency directed to the Digital Inclusion of Graduate Students - Selection for Instrumental Aid. Registration will be open from 09/05/2020 to 09/13/2020.


Instrumental Assistance, granted in a single installment, aims to contribute so that graduate students enrolled in remote curriculum components, as defined in Ordinance 54 of PRPG, can acquire information technology equipment ( IT), such as computer (desktop and notebook) or tablet, to accompany classes in remote format. 


The amount of the aid will be R $ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais) in a single installment for non-scholarship students, whose situation of personal and family vulnerability is duly proven, enrolled in mandatory, optional and / or Seminar courses, Fundamental Themes or equivalent , in the current academic period of each PPG.


Entries will be made EXCLUSIVELY through the Integrated Academic Activities Management System - SIGAA, in the period indicated in the schedule.




Launch of the Public Notice 



09/05/2020 to 09/13/2020

Social Work Evaluation

9/14/2020 to 10/1/2020

Disclosure of results by PRPG


Appeal period 

10/03/2020 to 10/07/2020

Dissemination of the results of the resource and

Final result


Signature of the Term of Commitment

10/12/2020 and 10/13/2020

Start of aid





NOTICE 05/2020 / PRPG / UFPB - Simplified Emergency aimed at Digital Inclusion of Graduate Students


 Emerson Barbosa - ASCOM / PRPG